ALL ABOUT Ryan Ashley Omnia Plushie
At one time or another she’s worked at a record store, an interpretative dance studio, and even a silent meditation retreat. She’s currently the proprietor of an alien-themed candle store, but as an Earth sign, Omnia’s never been defined by a job.
In fact, as someone who believes she was an ancient Egyptian in a past life, she’s not even defined by her present body. Omnia thinks of herself in terms of her soul, which throughout time and space has been one that wears its heart on its sleeve and constantly seeks out new experiences and fresh conversations.
A reader of tarot cards and collector of crystals, Omnia fully believes in astrology, the paranormal and extraterrestrials. So it’s no surprise she’s keeping her fingers crossed that one of these times she’ll finally be reincarnated on the exoplanet Onasilas.
For now, here on Earth, she lives a relatively peaceful life in her Brooklyn loft where she spends her free time watering her small herb garden and treating her Grandma Margaret to lunch. Throughout her stops on the space-time continuum she’s been a lover of cheesecake, and today on earth it’s no different.
She’s still looking for love, but is waiting for the perfect person just like she’s waiting for the perfect tattoo for that final spot on her hand. In the meantime, she’s just enjoying being one with the universe.